Toxic Mold & Chemical Sensitivity
Multiple Chemical Sensitivity (MCS) is an adverse physical reaction to low levels of exposure to many common chemicals producing many symptoms.
MCS is often overlooked and dismissed as ”it’s all in your head”. With symptoms such as anxiety and depression, this condition is often deemed as a psychological disorder. It is important to understand that this is not ”all in your head” and a proper diagnosis is crucial in restoring your health and well-being.

Mold Test Plates & MycoTOX
We help you check for bacterial and fungal infections in your body and home through Mold Cultures. We also do urine test for mold toxins in your body.
យើងរុករកមេរោគនិងផ្សិតដែលដុះនៅក្នុងផ្ទះ និងនៅក្នុងខ្លួនរបស់អ្នកតាមរយៈការបណ្តុះផ្សិតតាម Mold Cultures។ យើងមានមើលតេស្ត៍ទឹកនោមដើម្បីរុករកជាតិពុលដែលផលិតដោយផ្សិតដែលនៅក្នុងខ្លួនអ្នក។
Mold spores in the environment can potentially infest the human body. These molds may cause a variety of symptoms, or in some cases, the patient exhibits no symptoms. Our in-house lab can test for 6 mold species in the body and environment :
Nocardia sp
(more information on Mold Test Plates below)
(សូមចូលមើលព័ត៌មានបន្ថែមខាងក្រោម ស្តីអំពី Mold Test Plates)
Mold spores cause moderate allergies or mild damage, but their toxins may cause far more dangerous complications such as cellular damage that can lead to cancer and other life-threatening chronic conditions, especially in sensitive individuals. It is the cause of many mental illnesses and unexplained and ‘incurable’ diseases.
Mold culture plates can not detect these toxins; we test for mold toxins in the body with GPL’s MycoTOX test :

Microbalance Protocol Guide :

If you suspect mold infestation or are undergoing treatment for fungal infection, check out Microbalance’s Protocol Guide where you will find information on how to :
Boost your immune system and cleanse your body of these pathogens :
CitriDrops Dietary Supplements
CitriDrops Nasal Spray
Nasopure Sinus Wash
Sinus Defense
BetaMax 250
Test for mold and fungus in your environment :
Mold Test Plates (sample Cultures shown below)
Cleanse your environment of these pathogens :
Laundry Additive
Mold Spray
Contact us now for more information and guidance.

Mold growth hotspots :
Below are common places for mold infestation. Please note that you can not cure yourself of mold if you don’t cure your environment!

Example Swabs :